What is your current title for work?

Operations Manager and Qualified Roof Installer at Stone Roofing Limited.

How many years have you been in the construction industry:

Roughly 20 years

When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:

When I was 15 and I operated my first piece of machinery - A front end loader with absolutely no brakes - I loved the thrill which has never left me :) 

What are you most passionate about?

Helping and Inspiring people - all people - I love inspiring Women into the trades and love inspiring Men by showing them how hard and a woman can work. 

Working hard! - I am intensely passionate about giving 110% solid effort to anything I get involved with or that I think needs help. 

Why did you join NAWIC?

To inspire myself, grow as a person and be surrounded by strong passionate women in the trades industry - to help to inspire others and to help create the change of everyones mind sets of having women in all areas of the trades. To show respect to our elders and ancestors who worked very hard before me to get us to where we are today even being able to work and be free to be who ever we as women want to be. 

What would you like to see for the future of women in construction?

Total Equality! 

Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:

  • Keep going - don't ever give up!
  • If you're looking for employment and someone says 'no', it only means no today - try again tomorrow - just don't give up!
  • Work hard - and I mean hard!
  • Help others! Do lots of community work!
  • Set goals and achieve them!
  • Have or create Perseverance, Resilience and a Good attitude. 
  • Take a big deep breath and blow it out slowly when ever your feeling overwhelmed by any challenges - it seriously helps! (then carry on)
  • Always respect yourself and others around you - make thoughtful decisions.
  • Include yourself and others in any activities or opportunities - Open the door for others - they will never forget you. 
  • Challenge your strengths and work on your weaknesses!

What is your favourite thing to do for fun:

Sit ups - joking!! My favorite thing to do for fun is playing netball - I love it!!!

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