What is your current title for work?
Management Accountant
How many years have you been in the construction industry:
7 months
When did you decide working in construction was the thing you wanted to do:
When my last role ended I was looking for something new and different working with a great bunch of people, I guess it kind of found me in a way, I haven't looked back!
What are you most passionate about?
Working hard to achieve my own success and enjoying it though a great work/life balance.
Why did you join NAWIC?
I was shoulder tapped by a mentor/friend who thought it would be of interest to me and I thought it would be a great way to meet some new people and get further exposure to the industry given that it is new for me.
What would you like to see for the future of women in construction?
More women out there doing it! It'll just become the norm.
Words of wisdom or tips for women at the start of or considering a career in construction:
Go for it!
What is your favourite thing to do for fun:
Travel or play some tennis with my husband.