Encouragement from some amazing Wāhine toa - 2024 Awards buzz

Jen Tyson • February 13, 2024

“Feel the fear and do it anyway” is easier said than done sometimes.

We understand that entering awards is not a comfortable thing to do for many, it pushes us into speaking about our accolades, successes, talents and skills and feels a little (or a lot) like blowing our own trumpet.

As we approach the nominations closing date of the 15th March 2024 for this year's excellence awards, we know there may be women out there in the industry who may be sitting on the fence and wondering if they are good enough to enter the awards, or already thinking they are not perhaps.

In the spirit of providing some additional encouragement, we reached out to some of our amazing finalists and winners from last year to ask them a few questions about what it meant to them to be nominated, become a finalist and what they would say to others to encourage them to put themselves or someone else forward.

Some of that feedback has been shared already through our social channels, but I thought it would be great to have it all in one place, in the hopes that any ‘fence sitters’ may be inspired and encouraged to give a submission a go this year.

One of the key themes throughout the feedback below, is ‘Just do it’ and another is about inspiring others. I think that is one of the things we often forget to remember, is that when we step out of our comfort zone we may just be inspiring others around us to do the same.

Thanks to all those who opted to share and be part of the cheering squad for this years nominees.

To find out more about how to nominate someone or yourself please visit our website, all the information is on there.

* *All feedback is being shared with permission


“Attending the NAWIC Excellence Awards ceremony as a finalist was one of the highlights of my year. Seeing the breadth and depth of talented women in our sector was very inspiring!”

Rohan Bush, Director Building Sustainability, Innovation and Standards, Construction and Innovation.

2023 Finalist Outstanding Leader of the Year - Office Award

“It was an honour to represent J&R Builders Kaitaia as the only finalist from north of Auckland. Being announced as a finalist came as a shock and as a reminder that I need to believe in myself and my abilities. Please take the time to nominate a hard-working woman you know. That hardworking woman may even be yourself! Accomplishments within our amazing industry need to be celebrated.”

Amy Stowers, Building Apprentice, J&R Builders Kaitaia

2023 Finalist, Apprentice Excellence Award


What it meant to be nominated for the awards?

“I self nominated as I believe that sometimes you need to take your destiny into your own hands. I entered to show the women in our small area that it is achievable as well as developing my own self belief.”

What it meant to be announced a finalist?

“Wow, this was a shock but such a happy one. I was proud to show my son that women can do anything and all the females in my life that we can do great things even in a male dominated sector.”

What would you say to another wahine wanting to put herself forward or a boss wanting to put someone forward to encourage them to do so?

“Just do it! It’s a great process to go through no matter how far you go. If you are wanting to nominate someone, if you have a wahine that deserves that recognition, please take the time to show her she’s worth it!”

Nat Pouniu, Construction Site Supervisor, G.J Gardner Homes, Wairarapa

2023 Finalist Rising Star - Site Based Award


What it meant to be nominated for the awards?

“A career highlight to say the least. Just the recognition alone to even be considered for an award was such an incredible feeling.”

What it meant to be announced a finalist?

“I cannot express how much it really gave me that boost of confidence and reassurance that I BELONG in this space and was just completely overwhelmed with happiness.”

What would you say to another wahine wanting to put herself forward or a boss wanting to put someone forward to encourage them to do so?

“DO IT!! YOU deserve to be a part of this. The experience of just even entering or putting someone else forward will be in itself a win for 2024!! And we need to spread the word across New Zealand and further. So without YOU we don’t know what hidden gems are out there. Let’s shine the light together across all the Wāhine in New Zealand that are doing incredible things in the construction industry and celebrate as ONE! This will ensure that those who may not get the recognition they deserve DO NOW!”

Jasmin Lawrence, Site Manager, Fletcher Building.

2023 Highly commended, Rising Star - Site Based Award


What it meant to be nominated for the awards?

“It meant a huge deal to me that others think I am a valuable contributor to the construction sector, and making a difference to others around me. It's nice to see it from the outside perspective.”

What it meant to be announced a finalist?

“Oh my gosh it was amazing – I felt excited, really honoured and blessed to be among such incredible women all doing their part in what makes women in construction so inclusive. I also felt immensely proud of the hard work I did to warrant being a finalist.”

What would you say to another wahine wanting to put herself forward or a boss wanting to put someone forward to encourage them to do so?

“If you don’t give it a go – you will never know. Trust me – being bashful or hesitant or “I don’t think I've done anything special – just doing my job” will keep your special talents hidden. Just go for it!”

Jennifer Parker, Director She Property Care, GM Licensed Renovations

2023 Special Merit, Helen Tippett Award


What it meant to be nominated for the awards?

“Being nominated for the awards by my employer, Beca, was fantastic and made me feel valued. I had two amazing referees, one of which was a client, it was heartening to have so much support.”

What it meant to be announced a finalist?

“Being announced as a finalist cemented the feelings of support, recognition, and confidence that I felt by being nominated. Being a finalist for the Rising Star category at an early stage of my career (4 years experience) was a huge encouragement for what is to come for me in the future.”

What would you say to another wahine wanting to put herself forward or a boss wanting to put someone forward to encourage them to do so?

“It was such a worthwhile experience going through the nomination process. Preparing your nomination documents - such as your CV and award submission, you have to consider yourself against the criteria. You will blow yourself away with how awesome you are when you really get to thinking about your contribution to the industry, and find many people willing to support you along the way. If you're on the fence about nominating yourself or a team member, make the time to do it because it is such a rewarding process!”

Holly Scott, Senior Environmental Scientist, Beca.

2023 Finalist in Rising Star - Office Based Award


What did it mean to be nominated for the awards?

“Initially I felt that it wasn't for me as I had been training towards my qualification a long time and wasn't what I thought was the model student, with my qualification going on hold due to burnout and not being in a space to work on it and do life, I probably thought I was a bit old and had been in the industry too long!”

What did it mean to be announced a finalist?

“This was where it started to feel different and the struggles I had to get to the end of my qualification was not something to be seen as a negative but a strength to be able to continue through what was a very difficult time. It made me feel proud to be able to stand with other amazing women and feel like I belonged there.”

What would you say other wāhine thinking about putting themselves forward or a boss wanting to put someone forward?

“I went to the awards with no expectation of winning but felt that to be with other women putting themselves out there was the gift of being nominated. It's not easy to stand up and say 'hey I'm working hard everyday to be better than I was yesterday and I’m proud of that', but we need to celebrate ourselves when we do the work of showing up and working towards better outcomes daily, that in itself makes us exceptional no matter how hard it is when we do the work. It's also a great way to find your community and celebrate all women. Win or lose, anyone that is nominated should stand proud of working to be the change they want to see in the industry.”

Nicola Ross - Director and Certified Kitchen Designer,Nicola Ross Design

2023 Winner of the Apprentice Excellence Award

If any of this feedback and enthusiasm gave you the inspiration needed to nominate yourself or someone else, make sure you get onto it and read through the process on our website.

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